Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Act
The Anti-Homosexuality Act, provisions, timeline, resources.

LGBTI Human Rights and Data
Report of the Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Data collection and management as a means to create heightened awareness of violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity

FOR ALL: The Sustainable Development Goals and LGBTI People
FOR ALL: The Sustainable Development Goals and LGBTI People is a review of LGBTI development issues, health, education, work, poverty, safety, family formation, and gender recognition.

Which term to use? LGBT? LGBTQIA? A style and usage guide.
A style guide for writing reports, proposals and term papers

Engaging LGBTI communities in the global south and east
A guide with examples from women and children’s health.

SOGIESC, LGBTI and collecting data
Gender and sexual orientation subgroups and data collection

Agenda 2030? What will 2030 look like for LGBTI people?
Agenda 2030? What will LGBTI Issues look like in 2030.

The beginnings of LGBTI and development
Early attempts to promote LGBTI people in development

Guiding Principles for Inclusion of LGBTI People in Development Programs and Policy
Thirteen principles to guide development practitioners.

Video Series: Using Research in Advocacy
Using Research in Advocacy. A video series (2 - 6 minutes each).

A dignity-based agenda for the LGBTQI movement
What would a dignity-based LGBTI movement look like?